Adult Safeguarding Week is nearly here and, in advance  the Special Olympics Great Britain National Office would like to thank all of our volunteers, coaches, parents and other stakeholders for their contributions to keeping our athletes safe.

Your work in this area ensures that our athletes are able to participate in activities of their choice in a way that is athlete-centred and safe.

There are currently changes taking place in the safeguarding area, which will allow all our athletes to participate in a safer environment. These changes are driven by our requirement to meet the standards set by The Child Protection Unit in Sport and The Ann Craft Trust.

There will shortly be a Special Olympic Great Britain Safeguarding Plan published along with a roadmap to demonstrate how we will collaborate with our clubs on this.

This year's Adult Safeguarding Week theme is focused on how you can prioritise the welfare and wellbeing of yourself and others.

As part of Adult Safeguarding Week, The Ann Craft Trust has produced several resources and seminars to support clubs and voluntary organisations with the safeguarding processes. You can access the resources here and find details on the seminars below.

Monday 20th November
10-11am: Who’s looking after the people looking after the people?
1.30-3pm: Ann Craft Trust Seminar and AGM

Tuesday 21st November
10-11am: Let’s Start Talking – Taking The Lead on Safer Cultures in Your Organisation 

Wednesday 22 November
9am – 4pm: Looking After Yourself & Others: Ann Craft Trust Safeguarding Adults Conference 2023 

Friday 24th November
Developing Boccia England’s Your Wellbeing Toolkit