Team Special Olympics Great Britain needs your help today to transform the lives of children and adults with intellectual disabilities across England, Scotland and Wales.

By supporting our fundraising mission, we can continue to raise awareness of intellectual disability and the importance of inclusion through the power of sport.

How you can support

Events and challenges: Run, hike or bike for Special Olympics GB as your chosen charity. Get friends, family and colleagues to sponsor you. Create a fundraising page connected up to our JustGiving page.

Community fundraising: Host a quiz night, bake sale, or sports day and raise awareness of Special Olympics GB in your local community, whilst also raising vital funds for us. Contact to let us know what resources you would like for your event.

Become a regular donor: By making a regular monthly donation, you will help us to ensure our services are sustainable and that we can continue to support future generations of people with intellectual disabilities and their families.

Donate in memory: Making a donation in memory of someone special or leaving a gift in your will helps us to support future generations, creating more opportunities to transform lives through sport.

To leave a gift in your will, contact your solicitor quoting the Special Olympics GB’s name and our charity number (800329) and how much you would like to leave us.


Make the most of your event

Resources: Contact to let us know what resources you would like for your event.

Match funding: Some companies match the amount raised by employees up to a certain value. Speak to your employer about whether they would consider this.

Spread the word: Share what you are doing on social media! Tag us and we will make sure we share your story far and wide. Please use the hashtag #InclusionInAction


We are committed to complying with the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice.